Bunbury Residents 1877

Almanack courtesy of the National Library of Australia. The originals can be viewed on their website Trove: Original Almanacks.


Ali, James, farmer & shoemaker

Atkins, W. A., storekeeper

Banting, John, wheelwright and carpenter

Bewsher, W., pensioner

Berry, John, poundkeeper

Bell, W., government schoolmaster

Blythe, Albert, carter

Bliss, H., market gardener

Boyce, John, householder

Boswell, Joseph, boarding-house keeper

Brockman, Robert, Justice of the Peace

Brady, Reverend H., Roman Catholic, chaplain

Bromley, Thomas, baker

Buckland, Mrs., householder

Butterworth, Samuel, police constable

Buchanan, J., storekeeper

Buckle, Johnathan, carpenter

Cain, Richard, carter

Caporn, H., saddler

Carey, T. C., Justice of the Peace

Clarke, E., storekeeper

Clifton, W. P., Registered Magistrate

Clifton, Gervase, farmer

Clifton, Miss E. K.

Conibeere, John, blacksmith

Connor, James, pensioner

Costello, John, tidewaiter

Costello, Miss R. C. schoolmistress

Davis, F., baker

Davis, James, sawyer

Delaporte, R., publican

Delaporte, W., carpenter

Delaney, Thomas., shoemaker

Elliot, G. F., scab inspector

Flaherty, Edward, farmer

Forrest, William, mill owner

Forrest, Robert, miller and agent mail steamer

Forrest, Mrs R., schoolmistress

Floyd, G. W., carpenter & wheel wright

Gibbs, J. D., carpenter & wheel wright

Gillchrist, James, sergeant, police

Green, Patrick, water police constable

Griss, Thomas, shoemaker

Griffin, George, carter

Gibson, William, farmer

Garraty, James, tinsmith

Hay, Mrs M., storekeeper

Hay, David, householder

Hayes, Mrs J., householder

Hands, J. E., storekeeper

Hayward, Thomas, Justice of the Peace, importer and


Hall, Richard, farmer

Hastie, Charles L., carpenter and wheelwright

Hertman, James, pensioner

Hislop, James, clerk

Hislop, James, junior, butcher

Holland, F. W., police constable

Houlahan, John, pensioner

Hough, Joseph, farmer

Johnston, Mrs,

Johnston, J. Foster, farmer and grazier

Keen, T., police constable

Keen, A. R., blacksmith

King, H., brickmaker

Lawrence, James, farmer and mail contractor

Lawrence, George, carpenter

Lambe, Patrick, pensioner

Learman, Henry, carpenter

Leonard, F., blacksmith

Lee, Mrs senior, householder

Lee, Thomas, carter

Lee, Hugh, carpenter

Lovegrove, T. H., colonial surgeon

Moore, James, auctioneer & bailiff

Moore, John, senior, householder

Mitchell, W. B., farmer and grazer

Naylor, Joseph, storekeeper

North, Daniel, carter

OReilly, Philip, pensioner and shoemaker

Pickersgill, Joshua, farmer

Pickersgill, George., carter

Parmenter, W.,

Rich, George, storekeeper and mail contractor

Ramsay, Mrs A., butcher

Roberts, W. J., senior, householder

Rose, Mrs Emma, storekeeper

Rodwell, W., shoemaker

Sampson, John, surgeon

Scott, J., senior, boarding-house keeper

Scott, J. R, foreman timber works

Simpson, G., timber merchant

Smith, James, householder

Smith, George, householder

Stevens, W. F., agent Connor & McKay

Sinclair, John, water police constable

Seckington, E. householder

Stinton, Josiah, machinist

Spencer, W., storekeeper

Spencer, Thomas E., publican

Stallard, —, sexton and clerk of church

Teede, Mrs, householder

Teede, G. R., clerk local court

Trott, Thomas., bricklayer

Tyler, H., carter

Thompson, H., carter

Tomb, Hugh, clerk

Teede, F. J., butcher

Trigwell, H., junior, blacksmith

Veale, Nicholas, police constable

Ward, Samuel, carter

Ward, Owen, carpenter and wheel wright

Ward, William, bricklayer

White, Michael, baker and boarding-house keeper

Woodrow, J., postmaster

Woodrow, G., telegraphist

Wisbey, C., sub inspector police

Withers, Reverend Joseph, chaplain

Wenn, James, carpenter

Wenn, John, cooper

Willey, J., householder


James Ali/Allie, alias James Flynn (1841-). Married

Elizabeth Jane Piggott in 1869

William Alexander Atkins (c1835-1918)

John Banting (-1902)

William Bewsher (1819-1900)

John Berry

Albert Blythe

John Boyce

Joseph Boswell

Robert James Brockman (c.1811-1897)

Reverend Hugh Brady (-17/9/1901)

Thomas Bromley

Samuel Butterworth (1845-1937)

John Buchanan

Johnathan Buckle

Richard Cain

Thomas Campbell Carey ( -1884). Married Rose/Rosa

Carey nee Strickland (- 1911). Children were Clara Carlotta

and Dora

Ephrain Mayo Clarke (1846-1921). Married Louisa

Frances Teede (- 1938). Children were Alfred Pearson,

Alice Elvie, Arthur Hubert, Arthur Raymond, Charles

Lionel, Edith Bertha, Ephraim Mervyn, George Ephraim,

Gwendoline Victoria, Janet Louise, Maurice Brett

William Pearce Clifton (1816-1885)

Gervase Clifton

Elinor Kathleen Clifton

John Conibeere

James Connor

John Costello

Frederick Davis

James Davis

Richard Delaporte

William Delaporte

Thomas Delaney

George F. Eliot (1850-1902)

Edward Flaherty

William Forrest (1819-1899)

Robert Forrest (1854-1924)

George William Floyd (-01/09/1896)

John D. Gibbs

James Gillchrist

Patrick Green

Thomas Griss

George Griffin

William Gibson

James Garraty

Mary Campbell Hay (1814-1900)

David Alexander Hay (1844-1899)

John Edward Hands (c.1853-1901). Married Ellen white in

1873 and had a son, John Edward Hands Junior in 1879

Thomas Hayward

Richard Hall

Charles Little Hastie (1834-1916)

James Hertman

James Hislop

James Hislop junior

John Houlahan

Joseph Hough

James Lawrence

George Lawrence

Patrick Lambe

Henry Learman

Thomas Lee

Hugh Lee

Doctor Thomas Henry Lovegrove (-1927). Married Elinor

Maude Catherine Eliot (c- 1915). Children were Annette

Maude, Charles Douglas, Enid Louisa, George Eliot and

Ida Helen.

James Moore

John Moore Senior

William Bedford Mitchell

Joseph Naylor

Daniel North

Philip O'Reilly

Joshua Pickersgill

George Pickersgill

George Edward Rich (-1904)

Emma Rose

William James Rodwell (1869-1956, 86 years old)

Married Jane Hayes

Dr John Sampson

John Scott

James Smith

George Smith

John Sinclair

Josiah Stinton

William Spencer (1824-1901)

Thomas E. Spencer

George Robert Teede (c-1907). Married Hannah

Elizabeth Hough (c-1914). Children were Agnes Maud,

Charles Robert, Daisy, Ernest Alfred, George Frederick,

John Stirling, Joseph Binfield, Rose Mildred and William


Thomas Trott

Hugh Tomb

Nicholas Veale

Samuel Ward

Owen Ward

William Ward

Michael White

Charles Wisbey

Reverend Joseph Henry Withers (1834 - 1904)

James Wenn

John Wenn