Bunbury Residents 1893 to 1894

Post Office Directory courtesy of the State Library of Western Australia. The originals can be viewed on the State Library of Western Australia’s website: Original Post Office Directory.

Note: All spellings are as they appear in the directory.


Adams & Montgomery, Builders &


Atkins, J., Storekeeper

Atkins & Metcalfe, Butchers, Stephen


Baldock, J. G., & Company Collegue

Builders & custodians

Banting, J., Builder

Bircham, W., Photographer

Brashaw, H., & Company Bakers

Brown, A., Knox Bricks manufacturer

Stephen Street

Cannon & Spencer, Surveyors &


Caporn, F. S., Saddler, Vasse Road and

Stirling Street

Catlett, W. E., Watchmaker

Clarke, E. M., Storekeeper Stirling Street

Clark, J. McHenry, Storekeeper

Clark, W., Eating house

Collins, J., Watchmaker, Stephen Street

Corbett, W. G., Baker

Craig & Keeble, Painters

Crossley, E., Plumber, Stirling Street

Davies, Dr A. J.

Dawson, T., Cabinet maker

Devenport, W., Bootmaker, Victoria


Diamond, W. B., Wellington Hotel

Dixon, J. H., Auctioneer & caterer


Duffeild, Mrs Baker & caterer

Eggleston, C., Barber, Stephen Street

Farrell, Moore & Company, Surveyors &


Flood, D., Wellington Hotel, Victoria


Floyd, W. G., Builder, Stirling Street

Forrest, Robert, Miller

Gibbs, J. & H., Builders. Est 1880

Hands, J. E., Storekeeper

Hastie, C. L., Contractor, Vasse Road

Hastie Brothers, Blacksmith &contractors

Vasse Road

Hay, M., & Son, Storekeeper Victoria


Hayward & Sinclair Carriers

Hayward, T., & Son Storekeepers

Victoria Street

Herald Newspapers

Honey, R., & Company Timber

Illingworth, Rose Hotel

Jarvis & Castle, Bricklayers

Lovegrove, Dr. T.

Lovegrove, W. Solicitor

Marshall, J., Tailor, Stephen Street

Marshall, J., & Company Land agents

Maxted, Edward., Prince of Wales Hotel

Stephen Street

Miller, S., Storekeeper

Noakes, E. T., Chemist

North, D., Storekeeper

Pickard, Henry., Builder

Powel, A., Blacksmith

Prosser, H., Bootmaker, Arthur Street

Prosser, W., Auctioneer. Picton Road

Ramsay, J., Butcher, Victoria Street

Reading, W. E., storekeeper

Read, W., Carrier

Schofield, E. A., Stationer

Sharp, A., Tailor

Sloan, James., mineral water, Wittenoom


Smith, W. M., Cabinet Maker

Smith, A. J., Fitter

Spencer, W., & Son, storekeeper

Victoria and Stephen Streets

Stanley, H., solicitor

Stewart, J. H., builder

Stone, J., mineral water

Taylor, D. B., watchmaker, Stephen


Teede, H. G., carrier

Timperley, W. H., reserve magistrate

Trigwell, H. J., blacksmith, Stephen


Turner, G. R., land agent

Tuxford, J. J., storekeeper

Union Bank of Australia limited

Ward, Miss, Baker

Weiss, H., storekeeper Stirling Street

Wenn. S. W. T., carriers

West Australia Bank

Wilson, —., tinsmith

Wright, A., cabinet maker, Stirling



Benjamin Franklin Metcalfe (-1939)

John George Baldock (c1860--1933). Married Mary Annie

Garm (1883-). Children were Annie Elizabeth, Florence Laura, Mervyn

Leonard, Emily Madeline, Leonard Garfield, May, Arthur Henry, Blanche

Mervina, Constance Louise, Ellen Ada and Alice Dorothy

John Banting (-1902)

William Edward Carter Burcham (-1952). Married Rhoda Jane Hough


Harry Brashaw, Married Blanch Berlyn Mabel in 1904. Daughter Stella

Blanch Brashaw married Albert Hayman in 1926.

Archibald Knox Brown (-1902, 50yo)

Frederick Samuel Caporn (-1949). Married Margaret Sinclair (1890-).

Children were George Jeffery, Eric Hopetoun, Frederick John and

Cummerford Ringwood Sinclair

Waldo Ernest Catlett (1870- 1937)

Ephrain Mayo Clarke (1846-1921). Married Louisa Frances Teede (1876-).

Children were Ephraim

John McHenry Clark/John McHenry (c-1934). Married Louisa Beatrice

Conwell. Children were Bartley Liston, Beatrice Mary, John/Jack Francis,

Joseph John Conway (died 11mo) and Mary (died 7mo).

William George Corbett. Married Elizabeth Rebecca Neale. Children

were Clara Evelyn, Eva Florence, Hazel Annie, Joy Rebecca, Vera

Alberta and Victor George.

James Johnson Craig (c- May 1893, 32yo). Charles William Keeble.

Married Edith Properjohn 1893. Moved to England late 1893.

Edward Crossley. Married Theodosia Kate Withers. Children were

Marjorie Enid, Muriel Ann and Samuel Frank.

William Devenport (-1940). Married Anne Pratt (1877-). Children were

Harold Dagley Gibbs, Ethel and Evangeline Emma

William Brown Diamond (c- 1893, 33yo)

James Henry Dixon Married Sarah Maria Mainwaring. Children were

Constance Harcourt.

Mary Duffield nee Hackett. Married Alfred Foss Duffield (c-1931).

Children were Alfred Ernest Wemyss, Ethel Mary and John Herman Foss.

Charles Murray Eggleston. Married Minnie Ursula Darcy in 1893.

Children were Ruby (c. 1905-1935) and Pearl (1912-1914).

Denis Flood (-1917). Married Bridget Reilly (-1934). Children were Edward

Francis, Joseph, Margaret Norah, Mary Ellen, Patrick Phillip and Silvester.

George William Floyd (-1896) Married Fanny Buckle.

Robert Forrest (1854-1924)

John Gibbs (-1930) & Harold William Gibbs. John married Sarah Eliza

Wisbey. Children were Alfred Edward, Charles Edward, Edith Charlotte,

Ellen Amelia, Evaline Ann, George William, John Owen, Reginald Frank

and Rotha Muriel. Harold married Amelia Wisbey (c- 1890, 33yo).

Children were Clemont Wisbey, Ethel, Florence Emily, Harold Dagley

and Rachel Isabella.

John Edward Hands (c.1853-1901). Married Ellen White in 1873 and had a

son, John Edward Hands Junior in 1879

Charles Little Hastie (1834-1916). Married Mary Ann O’Connor in 1860

and remarried after her death to Magdalene Morgan in 1909.

Thomas Hastie & Walter Hastie. Thomas married Margaret Reilly in

1886 and Walter married Harriet Wilkes in 1892. Their child, Walter, died

in 1893.

Mary Campbell Hay (1814-1900) and David Alexander Hay (1844-1899)

George Henry Hayward (c-1902) and Daniel Lawrence Sinclair (c-1944).

George married Ellen Elizabeth Spencer (c-1951). Children were Edwin

Victor and George Spencer. Daniel married Alice Eliza Davenporte

(c-1948). Children were Dorothy Ringwood, Ella Rose Ringwood and

Laurence Ringwood Roy.

Thomas Hayward (c-1915). Married Catherine. Logue (c-1915, 88yo).

Children were Catherine Elizabeth, George Henry, Maria Eliza, Matilda

Louisa, Robert, Sophia Ellen and Thomas. Business opened in 1862.

James Pearce, Proprietor of Herald Newpapers.

Lionel Richard Honey (c-1959, 82yo). Married Roma Braddock

(c-1971,92yo). Children were Gordon Richard and Roma Mary.

James C. Illingworth (-1919). Married Margaret Jane Piggott (c.1875-1904)

in 1898. He had a son, also called James C. Illingworth.

James George Jarvis (1846-1912). (1846-1912). Married Marie Spencer.

Children were Alice May, Charles Bertram, Edward Thomas, Ernest

William, Frank, Frederick John, james George, Leonard George, Louisa

Emma and Rossmore.

Doctor Thomas Henry Lovegrove (-1927). Married Elinor Maude

Catherine Eliot (c- 1915). Children were Annette Maude, Charles

Douglas, Enid Louisa, George Eliot and Ida Helen.

William Lovegrove (c- 1916). Married Susan Jane Kain (c- 1916). Children

were Charles Learnard, Helen, Thomas James and Violet Elizabeth.

John Marshall

Edward Maxted (c.1852-1916).

Solomon Miller

Edward T. Noakes

Daniel North (c-1917). Married Mary Ann Cross/Crosse. Children were

Anne Eliza, Arthur, Henry, Henry Walter, Rosina, Sophia, William and

William Edward.

Henry/Harry Pickard (c-1943). Married Mary Smith (-1952). Children were

Clarence John and Henry.

Arthur Powel

Harry Prosser (-1919). Married Rosina North (1882-) Children were

Thomas Daniel Prosser and Frederick Charles Prosser

Wallace Prosser (c- 1922). Married Isabella Marion Scott. Children were

Agnes, Alexander, Catherine Scott, Edith, Edna Phylis, Elsie, Emily

Georgina, Ethel, Marian, Mina Doris, Rita Isabella and Sylvia Janet.

John Ramsay

Henry Eagleton Reading (-10/10/1913) Had a son, John Forrest Piggott,

with Elizabeth Gallimore Albutt Pearson in 1891.

Edward A. Schofield (-14/07/1932). Married Anna Matilda

Manger(-1948) in 1900. They had four children - Florrie, George, Fred

and May.

Aaron Sharpe (c- 1913). Married Margaret Gerraghty

James Sloan, Married Margaret Pratt in 1876 and had two sons, Walter

David (1889-) and James Henry (1885-)

William M. Smith

William Spencer (c. 1825-1901). Married Hannah Properjohn (-1898).

Children were Alfred Edward Mark, Augustus Frederick, Charles Edwin,

Clara Robinson, Ellen Elizabeth, Francess, George Clarence, Georgiana

Letitia Zoe, Hannah Rebecca Margaret, Llewellen Horce, Thomas William

and Victor Percy Henry.

Harry Stanley

George H. Teede

William Henry Timperly (-1909) Married Rebecca Properjohn (c-1910).

Children were Alice Mary, Aughton Percy, Blanche, Edith Ada, Forrest

Burges, Frederick Henry, Hannah May and Jervis Clayton.

Henry John Trigwell (-18/7/1900)

George Russel Turner, married Christine in 1886

John James Tuxford (c.1864-1900). Married Eliza Frances Caroline Hill

Hay. Children were Marjory, Ronald William, Stuart Stirling and Wedd


Eliza Ward

Hyman Weiss (c- 1942). Married Miriam J. Freiwald (c -1919). Children

were Albert Harold, Doris Muriel, Fanny Amelia and Isaac Harold.

Simeon W. Wenn (died 1914)

Joseph Wilson

Alexander Wright

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