Crawford McGill (c.1852-1900)

Little information exists on Crawford McGill from the historical record. He was born around 1852 and was likely a farmer in Naringal, Victoria, Australia, in 1888 (reference). 

Crawford in an accident 1900

Bunbury Herald Thu 11 Jan 1900 Page 3

Photo courtesy of the National Library of Australia

Crawford McGill was employed at the Number 2 Collie Mill in 1900 (reference). Late into the night of 10 January, he was brought to the Bunbury hospital by train by Mr M Sheppard (reference). 

Crawford had been looking for parrots, so he climbed a red gum (reference). Near the top of the tree, he missed his footing and was reported to have fallen nearly sixty feet, sustaining severe injuries but escaping with his life (reference). He had dislocated hip and his right shoulder, as well as breaking three ribs (reference). When he arrived at the Bunbury hospital, he was given chloroform before Dr Ignatius Flynn put his hip and shoulder back in (reference).

Crawford, however, passed away on 15 February 1900 at 5 am. According to Nurse Blanche Ashton’s diary, Crawford has been well all day and his death was sudden. She reported he had not complained of anything, went out on the verandah during the day and he was eating his meals. At 4.30 am Nurse Ashton was woken by the duty nurse who said he was ill. Nurse Ashton found him dying so she called for Dr Flynn but he had passed before the doctor arrived.

He likely from complications with his injuries at the age of 48 years (reference). According to the Forest Deaths in Western Australia website, he died due to his service in the timber industry (reference).