Onions and Green Peas

PUBLISHED IN Sunday Times 8 January 1933


4 or 5 large onions

2lb. green peas

2 cups breadcrumbs

1 cup milk

Margarine or dripping for frying

Salt & pepper


Cook onions; in another saucepan cook green peas till tender. Put half the onions in a pie dish, sprinkle over them ½ the breadcrumbs which have been fried pale brown in a tablespoon of margarine or dripping and season with salt and pepper. Add the cooked peas, then the remainder of the onions and another layer of breadcrumbs, pour over all 1 cup milk and brown in a hot oven.

This was one of a set of Pea recipes that won first prize in the weekly cooking competition

Image by Ajaydev Singh from Pixabay

Submitted by Miss Parke, South Bunbury.

Annie and Eileen Parke of Donnybrook were living in Bunbury in 1933. This is likely their recipe.