Peas Jardinere

PUBLISHED IN Sunday Times 8 January 1933


1 lb. green peas

1/2 teaspoon of flour

1 teaspoon of butter

1 teaspoon of sugar 

1 good shake of pepper

1 lb. of diced young carrots

Chopped parsley


Shell 1 lb. green peas, put into a colander and run cold water through, then shake 1/2 teaspoon of flour over them. Melt 1 teaspoon of butter in a saucepan, put in the peas, then shake well in the butter till they are warmed. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 good shake of pepper and just enough water to cover, and boil gently till peas are tender. At the same time have cooking enough diced young carrots to make about the same bulk as the peas. When these are nearly cooked, add them to the half-cooked peas and finish cooking both together. Serve with chopped parsley sprinkled over all.

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Submitted by Submitted by Miss Parke, South Bunbury.

Annie and Eileen Parke of Donnybrook were living in Bunbury in 1933. This is likely their recipe.