Rolled Fillet of Flounder

PUBLISHED IN Sunday Times 4 August 1907


1 flounder per 4 fillets

Batter mixture

Salt & pepper

beaten eggs


fat for frying


Select flounders of uniform size and large enough to make two strips about two and a half inches wide on each side, each fish giving four fillets; marinate them or else dredge with salt and pepper and dip into batter, roll them, beginning at the broad end and fasten with a wooden toothpick. Egg and breadcrumb them and fry in hot fat for seven minutes. Fry only four at a time that the fat may not be too much cooled when they go in; remove the skewer carefully and serve with remoulade, tartare or tomato sauce.

Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay

Submitted by Mrs A.H. Pahl, Moira Ville, South Bunbury