Stewed Sheep’s Brain

PUBLISHED IN Sunday Times 23 April 1911


3 sets of sheep’s brains

1 teacupful of milk

1 teacupful of water

1 onion

2 tablespoonsful finely chopped parsley

1 teaspoonful butter

1 ½ tablespoonsful of flour

Pepper & salt


Take three sets of sheeps' brains, place in salt and water for twenty minutes, and remove all skin or thread from brains, and rinse in clean water. Place brains in stew pan with one teacupful of water and one of milk, one onion chopped fine with two tablespoonsful of parsley; pepper and salt to taste, one teaspoonful of butter. When near cooked one and a half tablespoonsful of flour mixed with milk to thicken. Garnish with, snippets of toasted bread.

Time: 30 to 40 minutes to cook

Image by Christo Anestev from Pixabay

Submitted by Mrs Byrne, King’s Road, Bunbury