
PUBLISHED IN Southern Times 12 June 1894


2 quarts bran

5 - 6 quarts boiling water

5 - 6 quarts lukewarm water

1 ½  cup of salt (approx)

1 - 2 oz sulphuric acid


Over two quarts of bran pour five or six quarts of boiling water, then strain, make an equal quantity of salt water by putting into water, bloodwarm, as much salt as will dissolve, mix the bran and salt water and to each gallon of the mixture, when no more than lukewarm, add one ounce of sulphuric acid. Then immerse the skins, stirring them occasionally until tanned. Possum skins will tan in twenty minutes, sheep, kangaroo, and wallaby skins in from forty to sixty minutes and larger skins in proportion. When tanned, rinse in water and hang out in a shady place to dry. The skins, if dry, should be soaked in water before tanning.

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